About the Book – 2nd Edition

To harness the full power of computer technology, economists need to use a broad range of mathematical techniques. In this book, Kenneth Judd presents techniques from the numerical analysis and applied mathematics literatures and shows how to use them in economic analyses. The book is divided into five parts. Part I provides a general introduction. Part II presents basics from numerical analysis on R^n, including linear equations, iterative methods, optimization, nonlinear equations, approximation methods, numerical integration and differentiation, and Monte Carlo methods. Part III covers methods for dynamic problems, including finite difference methods, projection methods, and numerical dynamic programming. Part IV covers perturbation and asymptotic solution methods. Finally, Part V covers applications to dynamic equilibrium analysis, including solution methods for perfect foresight models and rational expectation models.

This site was created as a resource to accompany the book.

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Elementary Aspects of Numerical Analysis
  3. Linear Equations
  4. Unconstrained Optimization
  5. Nonlinear Equations
  6. Constrained Optimization
  7. Nonlinear Complementarity Problems
  8. Classical Approximation Methods
  9. Modern Approximation Methods
  10. Numerical Quadrature
  11. Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo
  12. Finite Difference Methods
  13. Projection Methods
  14. Numerical Dynamic Programming
  15. Perturbation Methods in Euclidean Spaces
  16. Perturbations Methods in Function Spaces
  17. Asymptotic Methods
  18. Perfect Foresight Models
  19. Rational Expectations Models
  20. Dynamic Games
  21. Supergames
  22. Numerical Algebraic Geometry